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    【学术讲座】Low-Complexity and Communiation-Efficient Coded Distributed Computing via Combinatorial Designs

    2023-09-13  点击:[]

    报告题目:Low-Complexity and Communiation-Efficient Coded Distributed Computing via Combinatorial Designs




    摘要:Coded distributed computing (CDC) introduced by Li et al. can greatly reduce the communication load for MapReduce computing systems. In the general cascaded CDC with K workers, N input files and Q Reduce functions, each input file will be mapped by r workers and each Reduce function will be computed by s workers such that coding techniques can be applied to create multicast opportunities. The main drawback of most existing CDC schemes is that they require the original data to be split into a large number of input files that grows exponentially with K, which would significantly increase the coding complexity and degrade the system performance. In this talk, we construct several classes of CDC schemes which perform significantly better than the known schemes.


    报告人简介:程民权,毕业于(日本)筑波大学并获得筑波大学校长特别表彰。现为广西师范大学教授、博士生导师,研究领域为:组合设计及其在分布式系统、信息安全与隐私、多媒体版权保护、机器学习等领域的应用。 首批广西百人计划,广西杰青。目前已发表SCI学术论文45篇,其中8篇发表在信息论国际顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Information Theory上,14篇发表通信领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Communications上,6篇发表在国际密码学报Designs Codes And Cryptography上。


    上一条:【学术讲座】On the irreducibility and Galois group of summation of exponential Taylor polynomials
